Display advertising

Display advertising

Some products and services sell themselves, but most need a solid marketing campaign to work on branding, exposure and leads. By setting up a display campaign you can reach thousands of industry professionals. With the right message and images you will catch the leads you are looking for, work on brand awareness and create relevant market exposure; all ingredients for successful sales in the future.

Do you want to make use of our reach? Check out the options we offer.

To learn more about banner advertisement, check out this article for inspiration.

  • 33,000+
    Monthly Users
  • 6,000+
    Newsletter subscribers
  • 34,200+
    Social followers
CPM rate = cost per 1,000 impressions

Example 1 – General

Campaign price = € 44 x 60,000 impressions / 1,000 = € 2,640

Example 2 – Targeted

Campaign price = € 44 x 40,000 impressions x 1.5 (Americas) / 1,000 = € 2,640

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