Australia: Dredging at Port Hacking Begins Next Week

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has announced that maintenance dredging of the navigation channels in Port Hacking will begin next week.

RMS Maritime Acting Operations Manager Botany Bay/Port Hacking Drew Jones said a dredge and associated equipment will conduct the dredging of:

. Gunnamatta Bay

· Bundeena to Burraneer Point Channel

· Burraneer Point

· Burraneer Bay

· Lilli Pilli

· Goggerleys Point.

Dredging may take place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mr Jones said skippers should keep well clear and slow down near the dredge and other equipment and keep wash to a minimum.

The dredge will display appropriate day shapes and night lights. People boating near the works must comply with any safety directions given by a Boating Safety Officer or a Police Officer.

The dredging is expected to be completed by mid-October.


Dredging Today Staff, June 13, 2012;