Norway: Authorities Unveil Plan for Kabelvag Port Dredging

Kystverket Nordland has announced tender for the dredging and engineering works at the Kabelvåg area.

These works include construction of two new breakwaters outside the current port so that there will be an outer and an inner harbour area, including dredging of the outer harbour area and the approach down to -8.3m below CD, and the inner harbour area down to -5.3m below CD.

Dredging spoil shall be used for infilling for breakwaters and the landscaping of the new industrial areas to the South of the new outer harbour area.

Rocks for the breakwaters can be taken from existing quarries and gravel pits near the ferry landing at Vannøya breakwaters, approx. 175,000 pam3.

The deadline for this tender is July 17, 2012.


Dredging Today Staff, June 8, 2012;