State of Ohio Picks Ellicott Dredges Once Again (USA)

Business & Finance

State of Ohio Picks Ellicott Dredges

For the second consecutive time, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has selected Ellicott to supply a new dredge for its lake restoration program.

The recently launched Model 460S, named “Brutus”, is being used on Grand Lake St. Marys.

Bob Cumbow, Deputy Chief of Ohio State Parks, had an opportunity to visit Ellicott’s factory while “Brutus” was under construction and was quite pleased. “We are also most impressed with Brutus [our 460S dredge]; it is truly a sight to behold sitting in Ellicott’s shop. The quality workmanship, pride, and attention to detail demonstrate the commitment by those involved…Customer service and attention to details such as this are why…the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is proud of our longstanding relationship with Ellicott Dredges.”

At its launching, Grand Lake St. Marys Park Manager Brian Miller was animated about the new equipment. “It’s just a great day,” Miller told The Evening Leader newspaper. “Dedicating “Brutus” … means it’s beginning its career here at the lake, and it’s going to be a 40 to 50-year career here. Also today, the first loads of alum went into the lake. It’s just more great progress at Grand Lake St. Marys to turn the water quality issues around.

Ellicott has now supplied a total of eight dredges to the State of Ohio.


Dredging Today Staff, June 6, 2012; Image: dredge