UK: Bembridge Harbour Dredging Kicks Off

Dredging work in the Bembridge Harbour started on Wednesday 30th May and should continue for approximately 3 weeks.

There is a small window of opportunity between the start of the project and the time when it will become too hazardous to work given the amount of traffic using the Harbour.

The dredging of the Duver Pontoon area including a capitol dredge area to the west of the existing pontoon, a 70m extension to the Duver Pontoon and the replacement of the Fisherman’s Pontoon with a new pontoon layout – these pontoon works are due to begin on the 18th June and should be completed within a month.

Any works not completed by the 20th July will be finished during the Autumn. These works include the dredging of Bembridge Marina and Fisherman’s Pontoon.

The dredging platform Whitton II has started inner channel dredging works along with Split II the barge and will continue working until Friday morning. Split II will then leave the Harbour until Wednesday 6th July when dredging will recommence.

This will give visiting yachtsmen a chance to enjoy the peace and quiet of Bembridge during the coming holiday weekend.


Dredging Today Staff, June 1, 2012;