City of Port Colborne seeks input on Sugarloaf Marina dredging plan


The City of Port Colborne is seeking community input on the future of the empty grain terminal and the potential dredging of sediment buildup at Sugarloaf Marina and the public boat launch.

photo courtesy of City of Port Colborne

As one of the largest municipally owned and operated marinas in Ontario, the marina provides 700 dock slips for both seasonal and transient boaters.

Its operations include the public boat ramp that provides access to Lake Erie.

The in-water area near Sugarloaf Marina and the public boat launch is becoming shallower every year due to the accumulation of sediment, silt, and sand.

In recent years, sediment buildup has reached a level that hinders boat navigation in certain areas of the marina and near the boat launch.

To fix this issue, a dredging project is being considered to create more depth for larger boats trying to navigate in this area, the City said.

Surveys have been extended until Friday, March 21, 2025.