Dredge MURDEN wraps up emergency dredging of Montauk Inlet


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, in conjunction with state and federal partners, has completed emergency dredging of Lake Montauk Harbor, NY.

Photo courtesy of USACE

Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of sand was removed, dredging critically shoaled areas that had created a navigational hazard for marine traffic, especially for commercial fishermen.

Recently, New York District Leaders and staff, along with elected officials and community residents, held a press conference on site, to recognize this collaborative partnership amongst many vested stakeholders that made possible the needed dredging work that was completed in February.

The Dredge MURDEN, owned and operated by the Corps’ Wilmington District (North Carolina), performed the work. Immediate action was required as several areas of the inlet had become too shallow for larger craft to safely navigate ⎼ especially commercial fishing vessels with a full load of catch that could hit bottom or run aground.

While the purpose was alleviating the effects of shoaling and restoring a navigable channel for mariners, there was a second benefit: the dredged sand was deposited just west of the inlet in an approved near-shore site.

The prevailing currents will transport sand further west along the shoreline nourishing down-drift beaches while maintaining a safe channel for navigation.