Repair work on Aldeburgh seawall starts soon

Coastal Erosion

Scheduled repairs on the seawall at Aldeburgh are due to start later this month, East Suffolk Council said.

photo courtesy of East Suffolk Council

From Monday, 17 March, the Council’s repairs and maintenance contractor, the Water Management Alliance, will begin seawall repairs from Fort Green car park to the South Lookout. 

Cllr Mark Packard, East Suffolk’s cabinet member for Planning and Coastal Management, said: “Our Coastal Management Team have identified these seawall repairs as vital in protecting our coastline in the Aldeburgh area. The work will cause some inconvenience but is crucial maintenance.”

A temporary site compound will be in place in the Fort Green car park during these works. Machinery will access the beach at the northern end of Crag Path and move along the beach to the works location, according to the Council.

The work is expected to be complete by Friday, 28 March.