Port of Oxelösund invests big in dredging

Business development

The Port of Oxelösund, Sweden, is investing almost SEK 700 million ($65.7 million) in dredging, quay extension works and other marine infrastructure upgrades.

photo courtesy of oxhamn.se

According to the Port’s official statement, this is a long-term investment aimed to meet new logistics needs, while creating new business opportunities.

The investment strengthens both our own and the region’s competitiveness, where we open up for new business and customer cooperation. The Port of Oxelösund has the potential to become one of the Baltic Sea’s most important transport nodes for several industries,” said Staffan Thelander, CEO of the Port of Oxelösund.

The project includes:

  • an extended quay,
  • an additional quay crane,
  • dredging of the harbor basin,
  • modernization of the railway infrastructure.

The officials said that the Oxelösund Port’s vision is to be the leading port terminal in the Baltic Sea, and in order to meet the needs of the region and the business community in the future, the port needs to grow and modernize.