Ippel Dredging working hard in Lauwersmeer


Ippel Dredging has been busy lately dredging the Lauwersmeer, a man-made lake in the north of the Netherlands.

Photo courtesy of Recreatieschap Marrekrite

Over the last few weeks, the company is working hard to dredge the Lauwersmeer and bring the depth in the lake back to at least 2.0 meters. This way the docking facilities remain well accessible to most vessels.

The following locations are currently being dredged:

  • LM24 Collum Murder
  • LM26 Senneroog
  • LM63 Poacher’s hole North
  • LM64 Stropersgat South
  • LM83 Eastern maple

The dredged soil will be moved to a deeper location within the Lauwersmeer. This not only saves high transport and export costs, but is also an efficient and sustainable solution.

The work is deliberately carried out during the winter to limit disruption of the National Park Lauwersmeer as much as possible.