Dauphin Island dredging/beachfill project available for public comment

Beach Nourishment

Town of Dauphin Island (AL) has proposed to dredge waterbottoms and discharge material in association with beach and dune restoration activities within the Town.

Photo courtesy of USACE

The purpose of the project is to improve beach/dune habitat, protect infrastructure, reduce island overwashing and provide a recreational beach by reestablishing beach and dune complexes fronting the Gulf of Mexico.

The project will extend along approximately 3.5 miles of the west end shoreline fronting the Gulf of Mexico. Approximately 2,565,000 cubic yards of beach compatible sand will be placed within a 18,500 foot-long by 450 foot-wide (on average) area of the shoreline, totaling 202.4-acres.

Sediment is expected to be pumped through a series of submerged pipelines, which would extend from the borrow areas to the fill areas.

The deadline to send comments to the Army Corps’ Mobile District is March 7, 2025.