Beach nourishment project underway in Hillsboro, FL

Beach Nourishment

The Town of Hillsboro Beach (FL) is currently working on a beach nourishment project that will restore the eroded beach at the City.

Photo courtesy of the Town of Hillsboro Beach

Wind, waves, and currents continually supply and remove sand from the beach. Erosion occurs when these forces remove more sand than they supply.

To reverse the effects of erosion, beach nourishment places new sand onto the beach to rebuild an eroding shoreline. Nourishment is the most natural beach restoration solution.

The project, which kicked off in late January, is proceeding well and sand is currently being placed near 1231 Hillsboro Mile. 64,000 cubic yards or about 96,000 tons of sand will be delivered and placed on the beach.

If there are no delays, such as storms or high winds, the project could end by March 24, 2025.