Southport Harbor dredging project completed


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredging crews have officially completed their work removing a hazardous sandbar at the mouth of Southport Harbor.

Photo courtesy of the Town of Fairfield

The channel is restored to a nine-foot depth and a 100-foot width at low tide. The crews worked day and night to complete the project.

Coral Siligato, Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: “The project has officially been completed, and USACE crews have fully demobilized from the site. We’re now just waiting for the rental company to pick up the equipment from Sasco Beach. The work area has been restored to its original condition (aside from the large sand shoal in the federal channel—mission accomplished).”

The last Southport Harbor dredging campaign was completed by USACE in 2004-2005. The Fairfield Department of Public Works later excavated sand from the shoal near the entrance channel in 2014-2015 using the sand to nourish town beaches.