Jack Evans Boat Harbor scheme includes dredging

Beach Nourishment

Tweed Shire Council has secured funding to fix erosion issues at the southern end of Jack Evans Boat Harbor.

photo courtesy of tweed.nsw.gov.au

The revetment wall is in poor condition, and the rising maintenance costs are becoming unsustainable, according to the council.

This project will focus on reducing these ongoing costs while preserving the beach for the community. We also plan to improve, or at least maintain, access to the beach as part of the work,” the council officials said.

“Flooding and storm activity in 2022 caused significant damage to the revetment wall, and the escalating costs for erosion maintenance are becoming unsustainable.”

The work will include regeneration of the revetment wall, sand dredging operations, a rock wall and landscaping.

Project Schedule:

  • Planning: Early 2025,
  • Construction: Mid 2025, pending approvals.