CoastWA: $3M grants package to protect WA’s coastline

Coastal Erosion

Applications are open for more than $3 million in CoastWA grant funding to help protect and manage Western Australia’s coastline, the Government said.

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CoastWA is the State Government’s $33.5 million response to the increasing impacts of coastal hazards and seeks to ensure long-term sustainable land use and development of the State’s coast.

Coastal land managers can apply for grants to help prepare and implement coastal management plans, and partner with community groups to undertake protection activities, on-ground actions and capacity building,” the Government said.

In 2025, a total of $3.02 million in grants will be allocated through four programs under CoastWA:

  • Coastwest – a total of $400,000 to be allocated, with up to $60,000 per project that supports education, conservation and protection of coastal areas.
  • Coastal Management Plan Assistance Program – a total of $400,000 to be allocated, with up to $200,000 per project to assist coastal land managers in preparing and implementing strategies and management plans.
  • Coastal Adaptation and Protection (CAP) grants – a total of $900,000 to be allocated, with up to $400,000 per project that preserves or enhances coastal assets for the community and support adaptation to coastal hazards.
  • Hotspot Coastal Adaptation and Protection (H-CAP) grants – up to $1.32 million available to design and implement works on major projects at coastal erosion hotspots.