Dredge Murden working in Southport Harbor, CT


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District has begun dredging operations in Southport Harbor, CT.

Photo courtesy of the Town of Fairfield

The Corps dredge Murden arrived in Fairfield on January 16th to dredge 20,000 CY of sand and place it at the Southport Nearshore Placement site for a shellfish pilot study.

The effort is part of a four-week long mission to restore the channel to a nine foot depth and a 100-foot width at low tide.

Dredging in Southport Harbor was last accomplished by USACE in 2004-2005. The Fairfield Department of Public Works later excavated sand from the shoal near the entrance channel in 2014-2015 using the sand to nourish town beaches.