St. Joseph Peninsula beach nourishment project set for 2025

Beach Nourishment

The long-awaited St. Joseph Peninsula Coastal Structures Project in Gulf County, Florida, has been temporarily rescheduled and is now expected to start construction sometime in 2025.

Photo courtesy of USACE

After two rounds of bidding, in August and again in October of 2024, one bid was received each time and both bids received were significantly over the available construction budget.

Due to the shortfall in available funding, construction of the proposed project has been temporarily delayed.

The County and its Coastal Engineering consultant are currently exploring other options to reduce the proposed project’s overall costs in order to construct the project as soon as possible.

The proposed project, slated to occur this year, will include the placement of between 600,000 and 800,00 cubic yards of sand from the previously used offshore borrow area — last nourishment project was completed in 2019.

In addition to the beach nourishment project, eight submerged breakwaters will also be constructed to help retain the sand on the beach for a greater duration.