USACE officials tour hopper dredgers Essayons and Yaquina


Last week, Brig. Gen. Bill Hannan, NWD commander, visited the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (NWP) hopper dredgers Essayons and Yaquina as they undergo maintenance, repairs and upgrades.

photo courtesy of USACE

Also, Dan Howard, NWP navigation chief, Chris Gibbons, Essayons lead port engineer, Jane Favors, former Captain of the Yaquina, Brig. Gen. Hannan, Jon Blake, current Captain of the Yaquina, Sam Repman, Yaquina lead port engineer attended the visit.

According to the Corps, these dredgers operate in Oregon, Washington, California, Hawaii, Alaska, and, in emergencies, the Mississippi River.

USACE Portland District said that they keep the waterways safe and navigable through dredging sandbars and channel deepening, ensuring safe transport for more than $18 billion in waterborne commerce.