Australia: Students Learn About Gladstone Dredging

Students Learn About Gladstone Dredging

Gladstone Central State School Students learnt about the science behind the Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project in the Gladstone harbour last week.

As part of the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (WBDDP) schools program, year six and seven students were taught about water turbidity and metals and what it means within the Gladstone harbour.

WBDDP environmental scientist Dr Daniel Spooner said it is really important for students to learn the facts about the project.

There are many misconceptions about dredging in the Gladstone harbour,” Dr Spooner said.

By visiting the schools and explaining the science behind water turbidity and the natural metals within the harbour students get a better understanding of what is actually happening where those misconceptions actually become informed decisions.

Gladstone Ports Corporation CEO Leo Zussino said by explaining the facts about the WBDDP in the Gladstone harbour students leave with a greater understanding of what lengths the GPC is going to in having minimal impact on the environment.

GPC is committed to protecting the health of the environment and marine life in the harbour,” Mr Zussino said.

Water quality monitoring has been part of the GPC’s environmental program since the 1990’s and I hope teaching the next generation about industry’s commitment to the environment will dispel any myths that they may have.”


Dredging Today Staff, May 8, 2012; Image: westernbasinportdevelopment