Another busy year for the Roberts Bank Terminal team

Port Development

It has been another busy and exciting year for the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, as they work to advance Roberts Bank Terminal 2 in support of Canada’s future trade needs.

Photo courtesy of Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

In 2024, port authority submitted the first annual compliance report to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, which shows that the company is on track with fulfilling the legally binding conditions of federal approval.

The port authority also won the Environmental Assessment Award from the Environmental Managers Association of B.C., which recognizes the innovative application of design and mitigation strategies.

Building on the extensive technical work and First Nations consultation completed over the past decade, the port authority submitted a Species at Risk Act-compliant Fisheries Act Authorization application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

The company continued consulting and collaborating with nearly 50 First Nations. To support the development of our Fisheries Act Authorization application, the port authority held 26 multi-Nation workshops, organized 215 one-on-one meetings, and revised the application in response to 1,600 comments and feedback from Nations.

The port authority also continued work in the field at Roberts Bank studying coastal geomorphology (water column physical conditions), marine sediment, and water quality.

Before construction can begin, there are several key steps the port authority needs to complete, including permitting and consultations with the First Nations, procurement and final investment decision.

Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project is a proposed new three-berth marine container terminal located at Roberts Bank in Delta, British Columbia.

The main components of the proposed project are:

  • A new three-berth marine container terminal;
  • A widened causeway to the mainland to accommodate additional road and rail infrastructure;
  • An expanded tug basin to accommodate a second tug operations contractor.