Greens: DEHP Must Release Gladstone Harbour Study (Australia)

DEHP Must Release Gladstone Harbour Study

The Queensland Greens say that the environment movement is buzzing with rumours of suppression of a University of Queensland study on Gladstone Harbour by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

‘Last week we had the same denials and misleading statements on the state of the harbour from Campbell Newman as we saw from the Bligh government,Greens spokesperson Libby Connors said.

Government data continues to provide proof of problems with water quality but statements from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection mislead the public with assertions that all indicators are fine.

‘I am calling on the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection to release a study they commissioned by the University of Queensland that confirmed contaminants including arsenic were found in marine life.

‘We already have a plethora of scientific studies that confirm the presence of heavy metal contamination, GPC monitoring also indicates changing acidity, probably from disturbing acid sulphate soils.

‘The public data simply belies the statements from DEHP and the Premier that all is well.’


Dredging Today Staff, May 7, 2012; Image: westernbasinportdevelopment