Manson to start work on the Navarre Beach restoration project

Beach Nourishment

As part of the Navarre Beach Restoration Project, heavy equipment will begin staging on Thursday, December 5, at Navarre Beach Access 37A.

Photo courtesy of Manson

Manson Construction’s hopper dredge Glenn Edwards is tentatively expected to arrive on site in mid-December, 2024.

Dredging is expected to start as soon as the week of December 15, 2024, weather permitting, and the estimated 30 days of sand placement is expected to be completed by late January 2025.

Sand placement will be done in four stages starting at the west end of the beach and moving east with about 4,500 feet of the beach closed to the public for each stage for safety.

Crews will operate 24/7, including holidays, and will place around 700 feet of sand per day. Beaches surrounding the construction area will be open to the public and sand ramps will be placed over the pipeline to allow beachgoers access to the gulf.