Etermar wins another contract in the Azores

Port Development

Etermar – Engenharia S.A.’s consortium has won a contract for the reconstruction of the Port of Lajes das Flores in the Azores.

Photo courtesy of Etermar

Valued at €194.8 million, this is the largest single marine tender ever in Portugal.

Financed by the República Portuguesa – XXIV Governo and the Cohesion Fund of the European Commission, with the Regional support of Governo dos Açores, the project will rebuild the island’s commercial port after the devastating damages caused by Hurricane Lorenzo in 2019.

Back in 2020, Etermar also won the contract for the first phase of the reconstruction following the events of October 2019.

Overall, the latest contract includes construction of the new jetty and the new pier, emergency protection works on the embankment and dredging were necessary.