Traders Cove Marina dredging on the way


The first phase of a dredging program at Brick Township’s Traders Cove Marina and Park is set to commence in early November and is expected to continue through December 31.

Photo courtesy of the Brick Township

This project, vital for maintaining safe and accessible waterways, involves removing accumulated sediment from the boat slips within the marina.

The dredged material will then be repurposed for marsh restoration and ecological enhancement at the adjacent Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, making this effort both a practical and environmentally beneficial undertaking.

Dredging Traders Cove has become necessary due to the shallow depths that have developed over time. This project will ensure that Traders Cove remains navigable and safe for residents and visitors that use the marina,” said Mayor Lisa Crate.

The project’s primary objective is to improve navigation by deepening the boat slips, achieving a dredging depth of approximately 3 feet below the channel surface, or 6 feet below the mean high-water mark.

A swinging ladder dredge will be utilized for channel dredging and a long-reach excavator on a barge will be used to remove material from within the Marina slips.