VPA proposes dredging of the Elizabeth River


Virginia Port Authority (VPA) has announced plans to perform maintenance dredging of its facilities on the Elizabeth River, the Norfolk International Terminal-North (NNIT) and Norfolk International Terminal-South (SNIT).

Photo courtesy of USACE

The deepening and widening of the approach channel and berthing areas is aimed to provide safe navigation for the Ultra Large Container Vessels.

The proposed project includes dredging of the entire area from previously permitted -52 ft MLLW to a new maximum depth of -58 ft MLLW.

Also, the project calls for new dredging to widen the NNIT approach channel on both the North (1.70 acres) and the South (4.80 acres) of the approach channel to a maximum depth of -58 ft MLLW.

VPA estimates that approximately 5.35 million cubic yards of material will be removed from the 234.27 acre NIT site (North and South) during the 10-year maintenance cycle with approximately 3.35 million cubic yards of dredged material removed initially and 1.0 million cubic yards of dredged material removed per 5 year maintenance cycle.

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