Governor Beshear: $5.5M investment for 16 riverport projects


Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has announced a $5.5 million state investment in 16 public riverport projects to enhance economic activity and support future expansion.

photo courtesy of Andy Beshear fb

The grants will fund dredging, mooring and warehouse repairs, port equipment purchases and other needs, as part of Team Kentucky’s investment in the state’s waterways economy.

At the beginning of 2024, the Kentucky General Assembly allocated and Beshear approved $15 million for the next two years for the newly created Kentucky Public Riverport Construction and Maintenance (KPRCM) grant.

To date, more than $5 million has been awarded for eight projects. Additionally, $500,000 was awarded through the Kentucky Riverport Improvement (KRI) grant for eight projects.

The investment is set to provide funding to maintain current operations and improve current facilities and infrastructure.