UK: ADBP Completes First Water Injection Dredging Licence Application in Wales

ADBP Completes First Water Injection Dredging Licence Application in Wales

Continuing its long association with the City & County of Swansea Council (CCS), Anthony D Bates Partnership (ADBP) have completed the first ever water injection dredging license application in Wales.

Although the Marine Management Organisation in England recently decided to delay the introduction of a license requirement for water injection dredging and plough dredging for two years, the Marine Consent Unit (MCU) in Wales has not. Therefore the license requirement for water injection dredging has meant the lead-in time, to commencing dredging using these methods of dredging, has increased.

As required by the MCU a Water Framework Directive assessment was also completed to accompany the standard dredging application form. Swansea Marina has used Water Injection Dredging regularly since 2007, with great success to maintain its berthing area, relocating approximately 15,000m³ on each occasion. If successful the dredging license will allow Swansea marina to undertake a further two dredging campaigns, ensuring the viability of the marina into the future.


Dredging Today Staff, April 23, 2012; Image: anthonybates