Port of Coos Bay dredging project set for this summer


Port of Coos Bay, Oregon, recently welcomed a handymax bulk carrier at the GMA Garnet dock.

Photo courtesy of the Port of Coos Bay

The vessel is the second ship to call at river mile 15 in the last 12 months. Prior to last year’s call, it had been over 20 years since a deep draft vessel transited and moored at River Mile 15.

With help from the federal delegation, the port secured $10 million to conduct maintenance dredging for River Mile 12-15 in 2022.

The US Army Corps of Engineers is preparing to advertise a bid for this work in the coming weeks and expects to complete dredging during the Summer 2024.

Maintenance dredging is important for the Port of Coos Bay as it keeps the channel at its authorized depth and allows safe and efficient navigation of vessels.