Llangollen Canal dredging project complete


Canal & River Trust recently approached Land & Water Group to carry out dredging in Wales, where a 15-mile section of the Llangollen Canal had accumulated sediment due to runoff from fields alongside it.

Photo courtesy of Land & Water

The canal was quite narrow in parts, so using specialist backhoe equipment Land & Water dredged the affected area and distributed the material on agricultural land.

The contractor had a 3 day delay when one of the locks ceased to work. Land & Water discovered a car tire had become stuck in one of the gates. Collaborating with CRT’s team, the contractor installed stop planks, brought a pump to the site, and lowered the water level in the lock so it could be removed.

The Llangollen Canal is a navigable canal crossing the border between England and Wales. Regular maintenance and dredging keeps the Canal open and safe for navigation.