Portsmouth Harbor dredging complete


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District and Cashman Dredging & Marine Contracting have officially wrapped up maintenance dredging contract in Portsmouth Harbor, NH.

Photo courtesy of Cashman Dredging

The authorized Federal Navigation Project (FNP) for Portsmouth Harbor consists of five 35-feet-deep segments along the Piscataqua River referred to as the New Castle Reach, Seavey Island Reach, Portsmouth Reach, Boiling Rock Reach, and the Newington Reach with a 35-foot-deep turning basin following the Newington Reach.

The work of this project within the FNP included advanced maintenance dredging of two shoaled areas within the Newington Reach to achieve the specified required depths and the in-river placement of dredged material at the designated in-river dredged material placement site within the Piscataqua River.