New Centre of Excellence to boost Singapore’s coastal protection measures

Business development

The Coastal Protection and Flood Resilience Institute (CFI) Singapore – the first Centre of Excellence in Singapore dedicated to strengthening local capabilities and expertise in coastal protection and flood management research and solutioning – was officially launched at NUS by Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Ms Grace Fu on 7 September 2023. photo

Hosted at NUS, CFI Singapore is a key pillar under PUB’s S$125 million Coastal Protection Research Programme and brings together local universities, research institutes, and the industry to carry out research projects to advance core domain knowledge and develop innovative solutions customised for Singapore.

The four partner institutes of CFI Singapore are: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research.

Professor Richard Liew, Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the NUS College of Design and Engineering, will oversee CFI Singapore’s research activities and lead the management team.

As the host institution, NUS will contribute resources and expertise across the university to support the new institute.

CFI Singapore can draw on the University’s research talents and facilities in Ocean Infrastructure and Renewables, Resilient Infrastructure and Climate Change Mitigation.

In addition, research institutes on campus, such as the NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions (CNCS) and the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), will also contribute towards this national initiative.

Climate change – Impact on Singapore

Singapore is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and intense rainfall, due to its geographical location and low-lying land area.

It is projected that Singapore will experience a rise in daily temperatures by 1.4 to 4.6 Degrees Celsius, more intense and frequent heavy rainfall events, as well as a rise of sea levels of up to one metre by the end of the century.

These climate change events can greatly affect our resources, biodiversity and have implications on public health, making it all the more pressing for Singapore to build a line of defence through research to come up with effective and innovative solutions to protect Singapore’s coastlines from rising sea levels and manage flooding during heavy downpours.