Germany: HPA to Undertake Elbe River Sediment Analysis Services

Hamburg Port Authority has announced early information about plan for the Elbe river sediment analysis services.

This work is associated with the sustainable development of the Elbe river and monitoring services into the increase of sediment build-up in the upper river area and the Port entrance.

There is a plan to construct a tidal dyke to the east of Hamburg, and during this time analysis and studies will be required as part of the development plans, including both sediments and clean water sampling.

Tender details: Open procedure.

Dated: 03. 02. 2012.

The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) was established in October 2005 in the course of the merging of the port-related competencies of various Hamburg authorities. Built on the “one face to the customer” principle the HPA is the central contact partner for all inquiries arising with regard to infrastructure, navigational and operational safety and port security, property management and economic conditions in the port.

The further development of the ports infrastructure and the activities and duties of the HPA are mainly based on the Port Development Plan.

Dredging Today Staff, February 10, 2012;