Northwest Territories: Hay River harbour in need of dredging

Business development

The Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Infrastructure has put out a call for tenders for an emergency dredging program in the Hay River harbour.

Government of the Northwest Territories photo

It’s been over a decade since the harbour was last dredged and last year residents of Hay River said the sediment buildup in the harbour was the worst they’d seen. 

According to Hay River Mayor Kandis Jameson, it’s an emergency situation, because the water levels are lower this year than last. She also said it’s a concern not just for the fishers and boaters in her community, but for those who rely on goods that get barged up the Mackenzie River seasonally. 

Mark Cronk heads up the group of engineers and architects that provide technical services to the N.W.T.’s Department of Infrastructure, reports CBC.

Cronk added that “if they get the licences and the funding, the plan is to dredge this summer.”