EXCLUSIVE: Kingstown land reclamation – Before and after PHOTO UPDATE


The VINCY Issues Now facebook page has just released this beautiful BEFORE and AFTER photo from the Kingstown Port Modernisation Project.

Lance Neverson facebook photo

Under the project, the dredger HAM 316 will move a total of 1.17 million cubic metres of sand from the seabed off the south east coast of St. Vincent, to Kingstown where new land is being reclaimed to construct a new container port.

The vessel is a trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) and will make six round trips in each 24-hour period, with each round trip from the dredge site to the project site and back taking between three and four hours.

VINCY Issues Now facebook photo

The Port Modernisation Project is the second largest capital project in this country’s history.