Royal IHC starts dredging simulator training for RBM


Last week, Royal IHC started the dredging simulator training on site for its client Richards Bay Minerals (RBM).

Royal IHC photo

“In the coming five weeks, we will train their operators, shift supervisors and dredge masters at the RBM operation in South Africa,” said IHC.

The training is specifically tailored to the equipment and requirements of the RBM operation and will focus on many of the basics of dredging, such as start-up and shut down procedure, stepping, swinging and anchoring, dredge pumps and different soil types.

This will help operators and dredge masters of RBM’s dredgers to increase their skills, resulting in production optimisation and the ability to handle challenging and unexpected circumstances, said IHC.

Royal IHC photo

“By supporting RBM, they can continue to realise a long term, smooth, cost efficient, and sustainable wet mining operation,” the company said.