Bulk carrier Kaye E. Barker runs aground off Muskegon


At approximately 10 a.m. yesterday, the M/V Kaye E. Barker grounded just off the Muskegon outer breakwall as it approached the harbor at a slow speed, Interlake Steamship Company said.

Interlake Steamship Company photo

The vessel grounded near the Muskegon pier, mirroring a similar grounding by the same ship in April 2022.

According to Interlake, the ship is loaded with approximately 25,408 net tons of stone from Meldrum Bay, Ontario.

The lake bottom has been surveyed, and it has been confirmed that there is sand around the vessel.

No injuries have been reported. Also, there has been no pollution or any harm to the environment. Additionally, there does not appear to be any damage to the vessel.

This accident prompted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to accelerate plans to dredge the Muskegon Harbor entrance. 

A Holland company received the contract to dredge an estimated 126,500 cubic yards of sediment from the Muskegon channel entrance, which would be used to replenish nearby beaches.

Interlake said that they are “working diligently with its internal response team to free the vessel.”