Boskalis: Creating innovative infrastructure and advancing energy transition


The principal strategic objective of Boskalis is the creation of long-term sustainable profitability.


“The systematic execution of the corporate strategy, that is reviewed regularly in light of relevant developments, is key to our success. Our sustainability strategy is derived from the corporate business strategy, and ongoing interaction and dialogue with our stakeholders,” said Boskalis.

Their Sustainable Growth strategy is structured around three activity clusters and the benefits they bring to society:

  • creating innovative infrastructure,
  • advancing the energy transition,
  • providing protection against the impacts of climate change.

“Our activities include maintaining and developing ports that facilitate global trade and economic growth, as well as reclaiming land from the sea for new housing or commercial projects that improve transport links and global connectivity,” said the company.

“The majority of our revenue is generated through one of the above outputs and thereby also contributes directly to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the same time, Boskalis’ aim to create sustainable growth is achieved through a focus on a set of key strategic pillars: Good Stewardship, Human Excellence and Distinguishing Assets.

“To identify which SDGs are most relevant to our activities, we completed an assessment of where Boskalis has the most to contribute,” the company said.

Five SDGs have been recognized as most applicable to Boskalis, of which one SDG is overarching and four core SDGs can be linked to individual projects.

For the purposes of measuring and reporting contribution to each of these SDGs, Boskalis has mapped the relevant proportion of its revenue against the four core SDGs.

Based on this exercise, around 78% of their business activities in 2022 contributed directly to one of the four SDGs:

  • SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy,
  • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure,
  • SDG 13: Climate Action,
  • SDG 14: Life Below Water.