“Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure” course in Belgium

Business development

For professionals involved in dredging related activities for water infrastructure development, IADC and CEDA have decided to organise another “Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure” course from 20-22 June 2023 in Hotel Van der Valk in Beveren, Belgium.


During this 2.5-day course, participants will learn how to achieve dredging projects that fulfil primary functional requirements while adding value to the natural and socio-economic systems by acquiring an understanding of these systems in the context of dredging as well as stakeholder engagement throughout a project’s development.

“This course is based on the guidebook Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure, which was published in 2018. Experienced lecturers will inform about the latest thinking and approaches, explain methodologies and techniques as well as demonstrate – through numerous practical examples – how to implement this information in practice with challenging workshops and case studies,” said Rene Kolman, Secretary General of IADC.

“The course is essential for professionals driven by the ambition to achieve sustainable and resilient water infrastructure with a dredging component that contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. People involved in designing or implementing, such projects as port development, river deepening and flood defence to name but a few – as well as those working in government, port authorities, consultancy firms, dredging companies, NGOs, suppliers, or ship-builders – would benefit from this course,” said Mieke van Loenen, General Manager of CEDA.

To find out more about the learning objectives, programme, lecturers, fees and registration, please click HERE.