USACE officials tour Huron Harbor CDF


Lt. Col. Eli Adams, Commander of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, and his team mates visited Huron Harbor yesterday to view the Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).


The officials visited the facility while on a tour of Western Ohio and the USACE owned properties.

CDF’s play a key role in a healthy ecosystem as they provide a placement site for legacy sediment to be dredged from navigation channels and placed in an environmentally friendly way.

USACE photo

Huron Harbor CDF is an in-lake facility attached to land in Huron, OH. The CDF is located adjacent to the west pier at the mouth of the Huron River and Lake Erie.

The facility has an area of 63 acres and has a total capacity of 2,600,000 cubic yards.

Dredging quantities have historically amounted to approximately 180,000 cubic yards every 1- 2 years.

The CDF was last used for Huron Harbor dredged material placement in 1990. It was also used in 2004 for placement of dredged material from Vermillion Harbor.

The CDF has an approximate remaining capacity of 465,000 cubic yards.