Kumundhoo Harbor dredging wraps up

Business development

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has wrapped up the harbor basin dredging operations for the Kumundhoo Harbor Channel Project.


MTCC said that after harbor basin dredging, the channel dredging operations are ongoing currently, with 75 percent of the work now completed.

MTCC photo

Also, MTCC held a ceremony to start the work of the Kumundhoo Harbor Channel Project on April 1.

The scope of Kumundhoo Harbor Channel Project includes:

  • dredging of 9346.56cbm harbor basin,
  • dredging of 4954.91cbm harbor channel.

The company also aims to construct 142m breakwater and 198m revetment.

The project is valued at MVR 35.6 million ($2.3 million).