HHA presents the Tiamat – Dredging with nature


Inspired by the work of Engineering With Nature (EWN), Harwich Haven Authority (HHA) has considered how they can dredge in a more environmentally sustainable manner.


The EWN concept can be defined as the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental and social benefits (i.e., “Triple-Win” solutions) through collaborative processes.

Using this approach, one is able to expand the value of projects that beneficially integrate engineering and natural systems.

With recent advances in the fields of engineering and ecology, HHA took the opportunity to combine to combine these fields of practice into a single, collaborative and cost-effective approach.

Motivated to reduce environmental impact (estuarine depletion, emissions, and noise pollution) while at the same time saving money, they developed the Tiamat.

Check out their example of Dredging With Nature in this video.