Norwegian anorthosite rock arrives for Southsea Coastal Scheme


The first delivery of rock for the Southsea Coastal Scheme is almost complete – one of many due over the summer months.

Southsea Coastal Scheme

The granite (Norwegian anorthosite rock) will be used to build the rock armour flood defence on Frontage Four around Southsea Castle. 

This revetment is significantly larger than the current defences – stretching up to 25 metres out to sea and using 140,000 tonnes of rock.

Southsea Coastal Scheme photo

“We were all delighted to see a return visit from the coaster ‘Liamare’ who we last saw delivering rock at Frontage One last summer. On this visit roughly 5,500 tonnes of rock were transferred by excavator to the shore and stockpiled, ready for construction in April,” the officials announced.

The Southsea Coastal Scheme is responsible for delivering new sea defences along 4.5km of seafront, from Old Portsmouth to Eastney.

The main goal is to create new defences at the seafront – significantly reducing the risk of flooding for the next 100 years.