Sustainable beach replenishment in Ostend by Jan De Nul


Jan De Nul kicked off the second round of dredging and beach replenishment works in Ostend recently.

Jan De Nul

The trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Alexander von Humboldt is currently busy conducting these sustainable beach replenishment works along the Flemisch coast.

“She will bring some 600,000 cubic metres of dredged sand to the Ostend beach, sailing on sustainable drop-in biofuel,” said Jan De Nul.

JDN photo

For the project, the Alexander von Humboldt will use 100% sustainable drop-in biofuel, thus reducing CO2 emissions by 90%.

Also, the bulldozers and excavators working on the beach will reduce the emission of fine dust and nitrogen by 80% thanks to their advanced exhaust gas filter systems.