Thyboron Port dredging in full swing


Reimerswaal Dredging has announced that their hopper dredger DC Orisant is working hard inside the Thyboron Port dredging the entrance to a deeper level.

Reimerswaal Dredging

The deepening of the port entrance is the biggest dredging and port expansion project ever in the more than 100 years history of Thyboron Port.

After ten years of working on the project, the start of dredging was a great victory for the port officials.

“For the past decade, the Port of Thyboron has been working to increase the depth of the Thyborøn Kanal as well as the harbour approach. Last year, we received a dredging permit from the Danish Coastal Authority for this deepening project,” the port said.

They also added that the project requires strong and powerful equipment, and the new dredger DC Orisant is truly impressive.

Deepening the entrance in Thyborøn Kanal is a big investment for the Port of Thyboron. Therefore, the port has carefully looked at the possibilities for using the material which will be removed when the channel is deepened.

In order to extend its land areas and to cater for an anticipated growth in freight activity, the port officials have decided to use the dredged material for infilling, reclaiming a new area at Sydhavnen.

By the end of 2021, they expect to finally have a 10-metre-deep channel all the way into the Port of Thyboron, and all the way down to Sydhavnen.