USACE, CDMCS: Developing a safety mindset VIDEO

Business development

USACE and the Council for Dredging and Marine Construction Safety (CDMCS) have signed a strengthened partnership on safety and discussed ways, through shared understanding and commitment, to create and sustain an injury-free workplace and safety-first culture for the men and women of the dredging and marine construction industry.

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At this milestone event, held earlier this month in Washington, D.C., CDMCS’ Executive Director Michael Gerhardt and President Devon Carlock inked the memorandum of understanding alongside Major General William H. Graham, USACE’s Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations. Accompanying MG Graham were Chief of Operations and Regulatory Tom Smith, Chief of Safety Mark Atkins, and other key personnel from USACE HQ.

The two organizations formally agreed to continue their longstanding, proactive efforts to promote and develop strategies for creating positive safety culture, to share best practices and lessons learned, to identify and promote opportunities for safety training, continuous learning, and professional development, to ensure safe dredging and marine construction operations near underwater gas and hazardous liquid pipelines, and to intensify engagement.