Rochester Harbor Dredging, May 2021 VIDEO


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, has just released this very interesting video named ‘Rochester Harbor Dredging, May 2021’.


In the video, 1LT Stacey Acapana, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District quality assurance representative, provides an update on the Rochester dredging operations.

View on Youtube.

USACE schedules dredging every other year for Rochester Harbor in order to maintain federally authorized depths. This 2021 dredging cycle will remove 125,000 cubic yards of sediment with an option for an additional 50,000 cubic yards.

The Genesee River channel has an authorized depth of 23 feet at the entrance and 21 feet throughout the channel.

The dredging need for Rochester Harbor is about 300,000 cubic yards every three years.

If the Genesee River is left undredged for a period of five years, it is unlikely that it would ever be economically viable to dredge the River to commercial depths again, said USACE.