Passaic River PPA inked


USACE and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection have signed a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) for the Passaic River Tidal Coastal Storm Risk Management Project, New Jersey.


The PPA was signed March 17, 2021 by Col. Matthew W. Luzzatto, Commander of the New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Mr. David Rosenblatt, Assistant Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

The signing allows USACE to move forward on the design and implementation phase of the coastal storm risk management project. 

“Superstorm Sandy taught us that we must take every step possible to develop flood mitigation projects and enhance resiliency to protect our communities from devastating storms,” said U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ).

“The signing of the Project Partnership Agreement is a critical milestone in the work ahead to reduce the risk of flooding for the residents and businesses of the Ironbound community.”

USACE photo

The coastal storm risk management project will reduce risk of flood damages for the Ironbound Section of Newark, New Jersey.

The project involves the construction of a six floodwall segments and one levee segment totaling approximately 4,850 linear feet which would tie into exiting topography and infrastructure to an elevation of 14 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988, flood gates, interior drainage features, and wetland mitigation.

The project is estimated to cost approximately $49M with the USACE proportionate cost share projected to be $32M, and the Non-Federal Sponsor NJDEP proportionate cost share projected at $17M.