NBSD dredging plan up for comment

Authorities & Government

The Navy Public Works Department is seeking a permit from the Army Corps’ Los Angeles District to conduct maintenance dredging at Naval Base San Diego.


The proposed action consists of maintenance dredging to restore berthing and fleeting areas aboard Naval Base San Diego within the approach corridor to piers 1-3, 7-8, and 10-13.

Also included are the mouth of Chollas Creek and Pier 10 to previously-dredged operational depths in association with maintenance dredging of approach corridors for the mouth of the creek and Pier 10 of the NBSD project.

According to the Corps, the proposed action consists of maintenance dredging of up to 61,937 cubic yards (cy) to restore berthing and naval fleeting areas at NBSD.

USACE also added that the dredged material will be clamshell dredged via a crane barge and then transported via barge to the Mole Pier (unsuitable material) and the suitable material will be towed to the LA-5 ODMDS via barge and discharged at the LA-5 ODMDS.

The deadline for sending comments on the proposed work is January 18, 2021.