Supporting levee projects throughout Sacramento Valley


California Congressman John Garamendi has secured key provisions in the “Water Resources Development Act of 2020” for the California Delta and Central Valley.

Sacramento River Preservation Trust

The legislation passed the House earlier this week and is expected to pass the Senate with strong bipartisan support and become law this year. 

“This bipartisan legislation supports levee projects throughout the Sacramento Valley, which will provide critical flood protection and make local communities more resilient to climate change,” Garamendi said.

“I secured provisions in this bill to authorize and expedite construction of flood protection and aquatic ecosystem restoration projects, address harmful algal blooms in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and give local agencies greater flexibility in using federal Army Corps funds to meet local needs.

“Working together, Congress has provided the federal support needed to keep key flood control projects in the Sacramento Valley on time and on budget heading into flood season,”

San Francisco Bay to Stockton Navigation Improvement

Working with Rep. Jerry McNerney (CA-09), Garamendi expedited completion of the Army Corps feasibility study for the San Francisco Bay to Stockton Navigation Improvement Project.

This feasibility study examines deepening the John F. Baldwin and Stockton Deepwater Ship Channels from their existing depths of -35 feet mean lower low water to -40 feet and beneficially reusing dredged sediment for marsh restoration of subsided islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

Sutter Bypass and Sacramento River Basin Feasibility Study: 

Garamendi secured Congressional authorization for a new Army Corps study for improved flood risk management in southern Sutter County between the Sacramento River and Sutter Bypass, at the request of Reclamation District 1500 and the Sutter Mutual Water Company.

Delta “Focus Area” for New Army Corps Harmful Algal Bloom Program

Working with Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11), Garamendi included all 5 California Delta counties (Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, and Yolo) as a “focus area” for the new Army Corps Harmful Algal Bloom Demonstration Program to determine the causes of, and implement measures to effectively detect, prevent, treat, and eliminate, harmful algal blooms associated with Army Corps dredging and flood control projects.

This will help protect the Delta’s precious ecosystem from toxic algal blooms.