New sand arrives at Holloways Beach


Tonnes of sand will be placed onto Holloways Beach this week to help mitigate foreshore erosion, reports the Cairns Regional Council.

Collier Television

This coastal erosion has been exacerbated by recent high winds and associated tidal conditions.

As part of an urgent response, 600 tonnes of sand will be brought in soon and placed at the worst hit locations.

Division 8 Councillor, Rhonda Coghlan, said: “Council is very much aware of the situation and is working to protect the foreshore.”

“Erosion remains a concern at Holloways Beach and it is hoped the adoption of the latest strategy, which included the installation of two 30-metre groynes, will provide the necessary protection to the foreshore.”

Erosion management strategy

Council adopted an erosion management strategy last September to undertake minor sand nourishment, install two rock groynes and finally undertake large scale sand nourishment works.

“Combating erosion along a beach foreshore is challenging; a few years back Council spent over $600,000 on sand nourishment at Holloways Beach, only to have this sand washed away in weeks.

“That is why the building and installation of the groynes prior to any major sand nourishment was an imperative.

“Now that they are in place, you can see the groynes are doing their job and holding the sand on the southern end of the beach.”

A contract for the delivery of 30,000 cubic meters of sand will be put to Council at the end of this month.

“I would expect those major sand nourishment works will take place before the end of the year, weather permitting.”

“On top of that, Council will also consider installing more groynes towards the north end of the beach.”

Council will also be temporarily removing a commemorative bench. This area is in danger of being damaged due to the recent erosion events.